The Award ceremony for Andri Magnason recieving the Kairos Award took place in Deutches Shauspielhaus in Hamburg the 28th of February. Here you can read speeches by Christoph Stölzl, Halldor Gudmundsson, Andri Magnason and see pictures from the ceremony on the website of the Alfred Toepfer Stiftung F.V.S. Here is more information about the Award and the people awarded by the Alfred Toepfer Stiftung:
The KAIROS Prize which was first awarded in 2007 represents an innovation within a rather distinguished post-war history of price giving through the foundation. Previous winners of prices initiated by the Alfred Toepfer Stiftung F.V.S. have been, among others, Harold Pinter, Pina Bausch, Samuel Mendes, Imre Kertesz, David Hockney, Cees Nooteboom or, more recently, Olafur Eliasson.
The KAIROS Prize is honouring European artists and academics from the fields of the fine and the performing arts, music, architecture, film, photography, literature and journalism. The award is designed to be given above all to individuals for artistic achievements, but also to producers, festival directors, publishers or gallery owners whose activities take place outside of the public limelight – in short, to creative personalities who give important impulses to art and culture in Europe.
The KAIROS Prize is endowed with the amount of 75.000 € and aims to honour outstanding individuals working with entrepreneurial spirit, persistence and creativity in the field of European culture and intercultural understanding. The prize is named after the Greek god KAIROS – the god for “the right moment” – as it seeks to encourage and promote younger artists, curators, managers in the field of culture or science at “the right time in their career”. It is neither an award for life time achievement nor a singular project, but rather seeks to identify early achievement, special work in progress as well as potential for future sucess.
The KAIROS Prize is awarded annually in Hamburg by the Alfred Toepfer Stiftung F.V.S. An independent committtee decides on the awarding.
Committee of the KAIROS Prize
Christoph Stölzl, (chairman) historian, politician and senator retd
Christine Eichel, author and journalist
Nike Wagner, art director of the Weimar Arts Festival “pèlerinages”
Armin Conrad, editor-in-chief at 3sat kulturzeit
Rainer M. Schaper, director of the culture department of Swiss television and member of the executive board