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Dreamland will be published this year in Japan by NHK and in Denmark by Tiderne Skifter. The Blue Planet will be published in China in the next days and it has just been published in Lithauenia by Sara. Next year Lubbe publishers in Germany will publish LoveStar and they have proposed a marketing slogan: ,,Imagine in Icelanders ruled the world”. In short the book is about an Icelandic corporation that expands so greatly that it causes the end of the world. It came out first in Iceland quite before the crash, even before anyone here had a private jet and quite a lot has unfolded since making it very interesting to see how the german readers will find it. Here is a small chapter from the book in a New York book blog. Dreamland the movie will participate in Nordisk Panorama here in Reykjavik, it will have it’s international premier in november in Amsterdam and in january it will be in the Göthenburg film festival. In Reykjavik you can see the film in September at Nordisk Panorama. Andri Snær Magnason is now attending Kapitell in Stavanger, 17th and 18th of september with Sjon and Hallgrimur Helgason. Oct 2-5 he will be in Festival Internationale in Italy.

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