Crisis – what crisis? and Nordic forum – at Leipziger Buchmesse

Andri Snær Magnason at the Leipziger Buchmesse – March 19th – 21st 2010.

March 19: Crisis – what crisis? 

The Leipzig Book Fair has traditionally focused its attention on the presentation of central and eastern European countries. For this year’s “Authorial Special”, organised by the Book Fair in cooperation with the Berlin Literary Colloquium, the headline title is “Crisis! What Crisis?”. All over the world, the much-quoted financial and economic crisis has led to high unemployment, company and national bank bankruptcies and above all, to great uncertainty. Six European writers – Friedrich Christian Delius (Germany), Andri Snær Magnason (Iceland), László Földényi (Hungary), Eugenijus Ališanka (Lithuania), Georgi Gospodinov (Bulgaria) and Natalja Kljuetscharowa (Russia) – have been invited to write an essay on their own experiences in this crisis and to read it in public for the first time at the Book Fair. They will be describing entirely personal impacts, but also the social effects.

Venue: Café Europa, Hall 4 Stand D505. Germany’s Federal Foreign Office is again providing funding in 2010 for the “Authorial Special”.


02/19/2010Nicht erst seit dem Kinostart der Millenium-Trilogie von Stieg Larsson ist skandinavische Literatur hierzulande beliebter Lesestoff. Die Botschaften und Kulturinstitute der Länder Finnland, Schweden, Norwegen, Dänemark und Island organisieren gemeinsam das “Nordische Forum” (Halle 4, Stand C304) auf der Leipziger Buchmesse. 
In der NaTo wird am 19. März ab 19.00 Uhr die “5. Nordische Literaturnacht” veranstaltet. Der isländische Schriftsteller Andri Snær Magnason liest aus seinem Thriller “LoveStar”. Weitere anwesende Autoren sind unter anderem Åsa Linderborg, Michael Katz Krefeld und Olli Jalonen.

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