Good news from Canada! The Québec Bookseller Award has announced the longlist for the 2016 awards. Some great authors can be found on the list like Toni Morrison, Ishiguru, Kim Leine, Hakan Günday and Houellebecq. So it is with great joy to see LoveStar in such good company. For that I must of course thank Zulma my wonderful publisher and Eric Boury my great translator. The english version of LoveStar is available here.
More information about the Prix Des Libraires can be found here:
Liste préliminaire 2016 // Catégorie Roman hors Québec
Titus n’aimait pas Bérénice, Nathalie Azoulai (P.O.L.)
La première femme nue, Christophe Bouquerel (Actes Sud)
Les Luminaires, Eleanor Catton (Alto)
L’imposteur, Javier Cercas (Actes Sud)
L’amie prodigieuse, Elena Ferrante (Gallimard)
Encore, Hakan Günday (Galaade)
Soumission, Michel Houellebecq (Flammarion)
Le géant enfoui, Kazuo Ishiguro (Fides)
Les prophètes du fjord de l’Éternité, Kim Leine (Gallimard)
Délivrances, Toni Morrison (Christian Bourgois)
Americanah, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichi (Gallimard)
LoveStar, Andri Snaer Magnason (Zulma)