On the road with BBC, Nikki Bedi and The Arts Hour.

Met some great people from the BBC while recording material for the Culture Cab and The Arts Hour for the BBC:

The Arts Hour on Tour in Reykjavik

The Arts Hour on Tour comes from Reykjavik, in the week of the longest day to explore how the white nights, extreme climate and dramatic landscape shape culture in Iceland.

Joining Nikki Bedi on stage at the Tjarnarbio Theatre in downtown Reykjavik are the queen of Nordic crime writing Yrsa Sigurðardóttir, actor and star of Icelandic drama Trapped Ólafur Darri Ólafsson and poet and former presidential candidate Andri Snær Magnason.

Plus live music from pioneering rap collective The Daughters of Reykjavik, haunting melodies from Icelandic indie band Mammút and comedy from star of the stand-up circuit Ari Eldjárn, who explains how the Icelandic banking crisis provided plenty of material for his comedy.

Here is a link to the show:

The Arts Hour

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