Theater Uncut on Youngvic in London

I am proud to be part of Theater Uncut 2012 now on stage in Young Vic in London with a small piece with Thorleifur Örn Arnarson. What is Theater Uncut? Take a look here:

Theatre Uncut was created to get people thinking, talking and taking action on the events that are happening in the world around them.

The idea is simple…

We ask playwrights, whose work inspires us, to write brand new short plays in response to the current political situation. These scripts are then made available for anyone to perform anywhere. The Theatre Uncut 2012 plays are available now and can be performed rights free between the week of 12th – 18th November 2012.

These plays belong to you, they were written for you, to be performed by you. So if you want to hold a reading in your local library, occupy a street of your town and perform them to passers by, hold an event in your university, your workplace, youth theatre, or just read one with friends in your front room then go to 2012 Plays to find out how you can.

And spread the word. If you know of anyone who might be interested in sharing conversations about current events through theatre then let them know these plays are available. We want as many people as possible, across the globe, involved in Theatre Uncut to make it clear that we will not sit in silence as we watch injustice happen around us.

We will be holding performances of the plays at the Young Vic during the international week of action. For tickets please visit

This year’s writers so far are: Mohammad Al Attar (Syria), Clara Brennan (UK), Marco Canale (Spain), Blanca Doménech (Spain), Kieran Hurley (UK) David Greig (UK), Lena Kitsopoulou (Greece), Neil LaBute (USA), Anders Lustgarten (UK), Stef Smith (UK), Andri Snaer Magnuson and Thorleifur Örn Arnarsson (Iceland), Hayley Squires (UK), Helena Tornero (Spain).

The plays are all available in their original language and English. We are always looking for translators so do get in touch if you would like to translate any of the plays into your own language.

Theatre Uncut is an entirely voluntary organisation. Absolutely everyone involved donates their time, energy and skill.

Theatre Uncut needs your help to raise funds so that we can continue our work. Please donate to our Kickstarter campaign.



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